As global powers fight it out, commodity prices are set to rocket

Money Week/Dominic Frisby/9-1-2022

“Well, gold. Russia and China both have lots – we have long argued that China’s gold reserves are ten times what they say they are.  But governments everywhere, whether controlled by tyrants or technocrats, are always going to want to maintain the option to print, debase and manipulate, so gold alone is unlikely. But you never know. Yet against this highly-bullish-for-commodities backdrop, we have a situation here in the west that looks like the dead cat bounce in stocks is now over, and the bear is again gnashing his teeth.”

USAGOLD note: Frisby takes some time to consider commodities, including the metallic variety, Russia’s answer to Davos, and the latest musings from Credit Suisse’s Zoltan Poszar.


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